Traditional media is losing credibility and relevance around the world and social media has come to occupy this space as a source of information. People used available social networks to broadcast events, report problems and tell their stories since there was no specific platform to follow this new trend.
This behavior is a reality all over the world. Fleekus comes exactly to meet this need, attending the demand of an increasing number of people.
Anyone can create a community on nearly any topic imaginable. Each community is independently moderated by volunteer users. Community members can share content including stories, links, and images.
The global Fleekus community votes on which stories and discussions are important by casting upvotes or downvotes. The most interesting, funniest, impactful, or simply amazing stories rise to the top.
Fleekus users can comment on any post on Fleekus. Comments are often the best part about Fleekus content-they provide additional information, vigorous discussion, context, and often humor.