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In 2005, 63% of Brazilians vote in a referendum in favor of arms trade

Due to an authoritarian and progressive subterfuge the popular will was not respected in 2005.

Now in 2021, President Bolsonaro moves to facilitate access to weapons: "The city of Jaraguá do Sul, home of the second largest shooting festival in the world is the safest city in the country" points out Bene Barbosa in a text published on his website.

Barbosa is a security specialist, writer, president of the "Movimento Viva Brasil", lecturer, author of the best-seller "They Lied to Me about Disarmament", Armament and Shooting Instructor of the Basic Course of Armament and Shooting of the "Projeto Policial", and assesses Jair Bolsonaro's latest efforts to make guns more readily available to Brazilians as insufficient.

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The lack of access to weapons generates frustration and apprehension, since the successive disarmamentist governments that have governed since 2005 have not respected the democratic will in the South American country.

President Bolsonaro was elected with the promise of fulfilling the popular will expressed in the plebiscite and continues to encounter the same resistance from those who want to tutelage the popular will, acting as "lords" who must decide what the people should or should not do.

Recently President Bolsonaro announced four presidential decrees to facilitate legal access to weapons, which would be a relief, since, with the coronavirus pandemic, a policy of mass incarceration has been adopted.

Furthermore, police forces have been allocated to repress individual liberties through lockdowns decreed by state and municipal authorities, leaving the population defenseless and without public security.

The changes, which went into effect immediately, increase the number of firearms and the amount of ammunition citizens can legally buy and make these weapons easier to acquire by reducing barriers, but still with a lot of control.

Hunters can now buy 30 guns each and sport shooters up to 60. All require registration, testing, and a certain amount of purchasing power for acquisition:

"Shooting is a sport. Demonizing it is part of a dictatorial leftist plan," tweeted Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the president, federal congressman from São Paulo and a career federal police officer.

Gun ownership and imports have boomed since Bolsonaro took office in January 2019 and began issuing a succession of decrees in response to campaign promises and the demands of more than 57 million voters.

At the moment Brazil is experiencing a crisis caused by authoritarian measures and mayors who are using the coronavirus pandemic to obtain funds without bidding and acting with a lot of truculence.

In this context, an armed population would not be an easy victim of oppression by state and municipal forces. To say that organized crime groups will expand their arsenals is a grotesque lie. These groups don't acquire legalized weapons, they import directly from international arms dealers; it is a naive-sounding argument, but in fact it is dishonest.

Media research sponsored by disarmamentist non-governmental organisations falsifies data to justify their control initiatives, in an attempt to overthrow a President with broad popular support.

Bolsonaro's commitment to make guns more available must be fulfilled, under risk of being considered a kind of "electoral stoner".

For 16 years the Brazilian people were suffocated by the disarmamentist agenda, this is the first opportunity since then in which Brazilians see the chance to guarantee the right to defend their lives without the disarmamentist blackmail.