Man Caught With Gold Bars up His Butt at International Airport

Man Caught With Gold Bars up His Butt at International Airport

A passenger in India's International Kannur International Airport has been caught with gold in his butt. Read more to find out.


We understand that paying high amounts of taxes for what you have might be disturbing sometimes. However, evading taxes is not one of the ways to cope with it, let alone carrying the valuables in your bum.

That was exactly the case in India’s Kannur International Airport last week. A man had been caught with two pounds (1470 gram) of gold bars in his butt.

Airport staff decided to keep a closer eye on him after realizing his strange walk and let the security know about it; obviously, he wouldn't look comfortable walking straight. He was stopped by the Air Intelligence Unit (AIU) officials at the port, per Ladbible.

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The guy had just traveled from Dubai on a GoAir flight and apparently, he had been successful until he was spotted.