Powerful explosion in Russian-occupied Horlivka

Powerful explosion in Russian-occupied Horlivka

KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO - SATURDAY, 23 JULY 2022, 19:52 EXPLOSION IN HORLIVKA ON 23 JULY, PHOTOGRAPHS FROM SOCIAL MEDIA There was a powerful explosion in the Russian-occupied city of Horlivka, in Donetsk Oblast, on Saturday, 23 July.


There was a powerful explosion in the Russian-occupied city of Horlivka, in Donetsk Oblast, on Saturday, 23 July.

Source: Novyny Donbasu [Donbas News]; social media; Denys Kazanskyi, a journalist, on Telegram

Details: Novyny Donbasu reported that the explosion occurred on the territory of the Horlivka factory producing mining machinery following a shelling.

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Black smoke can be seen far above the city.

Ivan Prykhodko, head of the occupation "administration" of Horlivka, said that "the checkpoint and manufacturing facilities of the machinery-producing factory on Kirov square were significantly damaged."

Photos and videos of a large column of smoke rising above the city after the explosion in Horlivka were shared across local Telegram channels.

Denys Kazanskyi wrote that "another saltpetre warehouse was demilitarised" in Horlivka.

The journalist noted that bursts of ammunition could be heard in the city. "The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to skillfully hit enemy military depots," he added.

There is no official information about the explosions in Horlivka yet.