The Marine Corps Might Soon Get Plastic .50 Caliber Bullets

The Marine Corps Might Soon Get Plastic .50 Caliber Bullets

By exchanging brass casing for polymer, True Velocity ammunition is much lighter than traditional ammunition — and would in theory allow the Marines to carry around more ammunition than would otherwise be possible.


Take the venerable M2 .50 caliber machine gun for example. Not only does the heavy machine gun itself weigh nearly 85 pounds, but with its tripod tips the scales at nearly 130 pounds. On top of that, belts of .50 ammunition weigh around 30 pounds. A single M2 with one belt of ammunition weighs nearly 250 pounds. In the future, however, belts of Marine Corps .50 Browning ammunition could become much lighter.

Plastic Bullets?

How exactly the Marine Corps would like to shave precious pounds off their ammunition won’t easy. However, one company that could provide a solution to the Marine Corps’ weight problem, however, is True Velocity, a Texas-based ammunition manufacturer that produces a pretty strange-looking kind of ammunition.

Tags: Marines , Plastic, 50 cal