Radiation Levels on the Moon Are Alarmingly High, First Ever Measurements Reveal

Radiation Levels on the Moon Are Alarmingly High, First Ever Measurements Reveal

This is the first time that radiation on the lunar surface has been measured. What does this implicate for the Artemis mission? Read on.

Science & Tech

Scientists have finally measured radiation levels on the moon and have found it to be surprisingly and alarmingly high. New research revealed that the astronauts aboard NASA's upcoming Artemis mission in 2024 will have to endure levels of radiation 200 times higher than those found on Earth.

The measurements were undertaken in January 2019 by China's Chang'e 4 robotic spacecraft mission and were published in a study in the journal Science Advances. They reveal that moon explorers would be subjected to an average daily radiation dose equivalent to 1,369 microsieverts per day.

This amount is about 2.6 times higher than the daily exposure International Space Station, it could still be considered safe in short intervals, explained the researchers in an interview with CNN.