US Senate votes for Trump impeachment trial to go ahead

US Senate votes for Trump impeachment trial to go ahead

In a 56-44 vote largely along party lines, the US Senate sets the stage for Trump’s second trial to begin on Wednesday


The Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump has begun.

Tuesday’s proceedings focused on the constitutionality of holding impeachment proceedings for a former president with four hours of debate allocated to the issue.

Now that a majority has voted to proceed, the prosecution and defence will have 16 hours each to present their case.

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House impeachment managers argued that Trump’s campaign of misinformation to overturn the victory of President Joe Biden, and his comments to supporters before the US Capitol riot on January 6, amounted to ‘incitement of insurrection’.

Trump’s defence argued that he cannot be convicted after leaving office, and that his words are protected as free speech.

Welcome to Al Jazeera’s coverage of the impeachment trial. This is Joseph Stepansky and William Roberts.