Kinetic Energy: The Force That Keeps The World Moving

Kinetic Energy: The Force That Keeps The World Moving

From the motion of the distant stars to the vibration of tiny electrons, know how kinetic energy plays a significant role in shaping the world around us.

Science & Tech

The world is moving fast but did you ever wonder how to measure the energy of a moving object?

To accelerate an object requires the application of force. And the application of force is, quite literally, work. When work is done on an object, energy is transferred. The energy that is transferred is known as kinetic energy and it depends on the mass and speed of the moving object.

Kinetic energy is the measure of work done by any object when it moves, it is defined in terms of mass (m) and velocity (v). The motion of an object can be horizontal, vertical, elliptical, etc., but kinetic energy applies in every case where there is motion.