Pluto's atmosphere gets its blue haze from icy organic compounds, study suggests

Pluto's atmosphere gets its blue haze from icy organic compounds, study suggests

The haze shrouding Pluto might be made up of ice crystals possessing cyanide hearts, a new study finds.

Science & Tech

The haze shrouding Pluto might be made up of ice crystals possessing cyanide hearts, a new study finds.

Hazes, which are made of tiny motes of dust, smoke, ice and other substances, are not unique to Earth — scientists have detected hazes enveloping Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter.

Nor are hazes limited to planets. Saturn's largest moon Titan, the only moon known to have clouds, is cloaked in a thick orange haze similar in makeup to smog on Earth. NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft also detected haze in the atmosphere of Neptune's largest moon Triton.