Census confirms Texas and Florida are America's future

Census confirms Texas and Florida are America's future

Americans will continue voting with their feet long after the pandemic crisis has abated.


We suspected people were moving by the thousands to Texas and Florida. Now Washington has proof. The recent census results added two congressional seats to Texas and bolstered Florida's representation by one seat, while California and New York each lost a seat. American politics and culture are changing, and ground zero of that change is these two Southern states. Their trajectory will come to define the future of America.

No longer are Texas and Florida only for escaping high taxes, onerous regulation and frigid weather. These states are the foundation of America's future. They may be raising the future presidents of this country, and they're housing both white- and blue-collar workers. Florida is on the map, and Texas — despite the problem it’s had keeping the lights on — is quickly becoming the nexus of industry and innovation.

We've already begun to notice Texas and Florida aggregating America's largest corporations over the past year. Everything associated with the future of America can be found in these states. Wall Street's Goldman Sachs is expanding to sunny Miami, and technology giant Oracle moved to Austin, Texas. Even Silicon Valley has started getting a little thin.