What travel warnings do other nations give their citizens about US violence?

What travel warnings do other nations give their citizens about US violence?

From Australia to the United Kingdom, CNN Travel looks at what other governments tell their citizens about staying safe in a United States where mass shootings and gun violence have become commonplace.


(CNN) — American travelers -- at least those of the cautious variety -- might be familiar with the US State Department's travel advisories.

The agency monitors the world for potential trouble and issues warnings from "Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions" to "Level 4: Do Not Travel," alerting would-be visitors to terrorism threats, war, arbitrary enforcement of local laws, high crime rates and other personal security issues.

But have you ever wondered how other countries' governments caution their citizens about coming to the United States? What kind of reputation does America have?

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After all, the rate of gun-related deaths is the United States is going up. And mass shootings in America -- 610 as of November 25, according to Gun Violence Archive -- have become commonplace and make headlines around the world.

CNN Travel checked out what the governments of the United States' neighbors and closest allies have to tell their citizens about coming here. It's not exactly a flattering picture.

Would-be visitors aren't being warned off entirely as if America is an active war zone. Each nation has its own approach, but a general theme boils down to this: The United States is more violent than what you're used to. Learn to take precautions there that you might not have to take at home.

The other takeaway: Violent crime rarely involves tourists.

Here's more on what nine countries -- which account for a good chunk of the US international tourism traffic -- have to say: